How do I make a good first impression at my interview?
We all know the saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover”, but that’s what most of us do. There may be a classic novel lurking behind that sleeve, but we rarely take it off the shelf and open it to find out. The same goes with interviews: if you turn up looking “a hot mess” or with a scowl on your face, or even LATE you may as well have saved your bus fare and time!
Start as you mean to go on
Firstly, and most importantly, ensure that you arrive at-least ten minutes before your interview is scheduled. This will allow you to settle in and observe the work environment as well as letting the potential employer know that you are discipline, punctual and ofcourse ready to work!
The employer will probably see you before they hear you, so knowing what to wear and ensuring that you are properly groomed for an interview can great boost your chances before you’ve even opened your mouth.
NB: Please don’t smoke before an interview and go easy on the perfume.
Be courteous from the door. Even before you get to the interview room or meet your interviewers, be well-mannered and positive with the staff, customers and anyone else you encounter on the way to your interview. You may be working with them in a few weeks’ time. This is also a great opportunity to make sure your voice isn’t about to crack or dry up on you – try to relax a bit, and build up some confidence before your interview starts.
You will have no idea of the structure of the company or who has influence in the decision making process so treat everyone with equal courtesy. The receptionist may be related to your interviewer and could have a major influence on your future.
Your body language and handshake are vital in creating the right impression. Make sure you’re not avoiding eye contact, glancing nervously from side-to-side, playing with your clothing or fiddling with the zip on your bag.
Building up the right impression
Interviews are often scary, sometimes intimidating and frequently stressful. This is a theatrical performance – they are the audience, you are the performer, and you’re on your own. But don’t be freaked out by it all; remember why you’re here, be clear about what you want to say and what you want to ask, and keep your cool.
Preparing properly for your interview should put you at ease as you’ll have confidence that you know enough about yourself, the role and the company to answer the common interview questions.
Positivity personified
In the beginning, be as positive about everything as you can. Even if you’ve had a horrible journey, try not to let your frustration show. Don’t forget to smile from time to time, and show interest in what you are being asked.
When asked about your current or most-recent role, do not be tempted to bad-talk your employer, regardless of how deserving of it you may think! Show them you’re here because you see it as a positive opportunity, not because you’re running from a job you are unhappy in or are desperate to get away from.
Showing a positive attitude is the single most valuable first impression you can make. If you are excited and up for it, your potential employer will probably be considering you for the job within two minutes of you walking through the door. The right attitude really can have that much impact.