10 Personal Development Skills that will Improve your Work Environment

I am certain that we have all heard the old adage that we should never stop working on ourselves. This is an attribute that we all should attest to irrespective of education, experience or expertise. There are so many free online courses that available to enable us to continue to better ourselves professionally and privately. Below are 10 personal development skills that we should learn today:

1. Read more –Reading improves vocabulary, memory and analytical skills and is the easiest form of learning. Make reading a habit today – and I mean books – not Facebook and Twitter statuses.

2. Take a communication class – Developing our communication skills helps us to express ourselves in a positive and effective way. This can also include conflict resolution and negotiation skills.

3. Learn Tolerance – Many different personalities can be found in the workplace and we are guaranteed to find ourselves in conflict at some point. Learning tolerance helps us to overlook the minor differences and take the ‘high road’ when conflict arises.

4. Time Management – Establish schedules and routines to ensure that all work goals are met and as a general form of organization.

5. Mentorship – It is often said that the best way to guarantee that you understand something is to teach it. Mentoring a co-worker or providing tips and expertise allows for depth of knowledge in your position.

6. Foster expertise – Keep abreast of changes in your job. For example, if you are a Marketing Manager you should take a course in Social Media Marketing and SEO Marketing since these are current trends.

7. Manage stress effectively – Work environments are always stressful. It is important to acquire tools and resources to keep sane especially in a fast paced environment. Listening to calming music, meditation and exercise are a few examples.

8. Listen Actively – Active listening involves listening without interrupting, asking questions for clarification and responding appropriately. Active listening cultivates productivity, influencing and negotiating skills and mutual understanding.

9. Learn a New Skill – Taking a new class or learning a new skill improves marketability and connections in the working world. Some useful skills include Public Speaking, Language Learning and Plumbing.

10. Stop Procrastinating! – Never leave for tomorrow what you can accomplish today.


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